Why Pine?
Red Pine
Pinus Resinosa, commonly known as Red (Norway) Pine is the only softwood species naturally found in the northern Great Lakes region that readily accepts treatment. Red Pine trees are evergreen trees characterized by tall, straight growth. When growing under natural conditions, the red pine reaches a height of 90 to 100 feet and a diameter of 30 to 40 inches, with a tall, straight, clean trunk and an open, rounded picturesque crown. The tree gets its name from the bright orange-colored or reddish bark, which divides into large plates as the tree matures.
Biewer specializes in Red Pine because of its restricted wane with small, tight knots and it is graded for optimum appearance. The strength properties of Red Pine lend themselves well for use in construction applications, such as girders, beams, joists, studs and trusses. Red Pine also remains fairly light after treatment, which helps to minimize freight cost.
Yellow Pine
Forestland in Mississippi currently occupies 19.51 million acres; 5.6 million acres are in pine forests. Loblolly Pine is one of the most important commercial softwood species in the U.S. South and the most widely planted southern pine with an average growth rate in our area of approximately 10% per year. Well managed planted pines have substantially lower mortality rates and higher rates of net annual growth. In Central Mississippi, pine plantations average nearly 128 cubic feet of wood growth per acre per year. The product availability, quality, and machinability makes SYP an ideal choice for being used in building products.
While Biewer predominantly produces lumber from pine, Biewer also produces lumber from spruce, and fir. Collectively these three species together are commonly referred to as SPF (Spruce, Pine, Fir). Lumber labeled as SPFs could contain a combination of Spruces, Pines, and Firs, produced from logs harvested in the USA. These species are ideal for timber harvesting due to their rapid growth rates, making them a more sustainable resource. SPF’s straight grain and strength makes it a good candidate for construction and framing.
SPF wood has a high strength-to-weight ratio, and small, sound-tight knots. SPF also takes paint easily, holds nails effectively, and meets building code requirements for fire safety, strength, and sound transmission.
Michigan has over 20 million acres of forest land, an increase since the inventory by the Forest Service in the 1980s. Of this 20 million acres, spruce/fir is the most prevalent softwood group. Wisconsin has an additional 17 million acres of forestland. Both Michigan and Wisconsin have seen growth in forestland since the late 19th and 20th centuries. As forest management and sustainability efforts persist, SPF lumber remains a cornerstone of the timber industry, blending practicality with environmental resilience.